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Veriditas Council
Annelle Brown Tanner
Aubri M Tallent
Barrie Gibby
Betty Lopez Towey
Brian Thomas Swimme
Catherine Anderson
Cathy Rigali
Chris Katzenmeyer & Jocelyn McGee
Christine Favreau
Christine Valters Paintner
Cynthia James
Dawn Matheny
Dr. Kayleen Asbo
Dr. Robin B Dilley Webinars
Dr. Robin Dilley
Emily Simpson
Eve Eschner Hogan
Francis Weller
Gail Condrick
Grace Amirault & Deb Camelin
Heather Plett
Helen Malcolm
Jan Richardson
Jan Sellers
Jennifer Halls
Jill Geoffrion
Judith Tripp
Karen Kelley
Karen Kelley
Kathy Swaar
Lars Howlett
Lars Howlett (webinars)
Laura Esculcas
Laura Esculcas & Calen Rayne
Lauren Artress
Lauren Artress & Robert Ferre
Lorraine Villemarie
Maia Scott
Mary Ann Wamhoff
Mary Hamilton
Nancy Castille
Nathan Wiles
Paul Campbell
Phil Cousineau
Reginald C. Adams
Richard Feather Anderson
Robert Ferre
Terry Price
Tina Christensen
Twylla Alexander
Veriditas Council
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Veriditas Council
Facilitator's Renewal Day: Getting to Know Our Chakras
Available until
Presented by the Veriditas Council
Veriditas Council
Return to our Roots: Facilitators' Renewal Day
Available until
with Special Guest Lauren Artress
Veriditas Council
Ritual Groundings for Holding Space: Facilitators' Renewal Day 2021
Available until
Presented by the Veriditas Council
Veriditas Council
Facilitators’ Renewal Day: Creating Compassionate Journeys with Earth, Air, Fire and Water
Available until
Presentations and Reflections from 7 different Council Members to enrich and enliven your personal practice
Veriditas Council
Facilitator's Renewal Day: Sculpting New Practices
Available until
Seven Presentations from 7 different Council Members to enrich and enliven your personal practice
Veriditas Council