Intro to Keeping Labyrinths Alive
Tips for Restoration & Revival
All labyrinths have a lifespan which relates to the environment that surrounds them. Materials may degrade and the climate can affect how an installation evolves over time. People, plants and animals can complement the pattern or confuse it. Some labyrinths become neglected or even forgotten, dissolving or lying dormant under earth and grass. Maintenance is important but only part of the solution in keeping a labyrinth alive. Consider also how the spirit of place can be sustained so that the energy of the labyrinth might thrive and continue to resonate for a long time.
Join Lars Howlett in conversation with Chuck Hunner for a free Veriditas Webinar exploring the six keys to keeping labyrinths alive. Together they consider how Awareness, Stewardship, Events, Placemaking, Maintenance, and Seasoning can enhance the labyrinth experience and help sustain sacred spaces. Based on their experience as labyrinth builders and facilitators, Lars and Chuck share personal and professional examples of labyrinths both lost and found. As the labyrinth movement turns thirty years old, many labyrinths are in need of restoration and revival. Chuck introduces a new initiative of the Veriditas Council that provides advice and support for anyone wishing to bring a labyrinth back to life. They also discuss the role of the Labyrinth Keeper which may take the form of an individual, committee, or anonymous individual who tends to a labyrinth and is often an unsung hero in the community. This is a recording from a live Zoom webinar on November 21, 2021.
Your Instructor
Lars Howlett is a master labyrinth designer and builder creating exact replicas of Classical or Medieval patterns using sacred geometry and firsthand research from historic sites around the world. He is a Veriditas Faculty member and Certified Advanced Facilitator trained by Lauren Artress at Chartres Cathedral and former apprentice to master builder Robert Ferre. For fifteen years, Lars has created labyrinths as interactive art installations, the practice of mindfulnesss and personal transformation. Lars teaches the popular drawing class and construction workshop at Veriditas Summer School each year. Follow his work at and