Practice: How to Draw the Simplified Heart of Chartres Labyrinth
Brand new method! No graph paper or compass required!
Create a precise 5-Circuit medieval labyrinth without a compass or graph paper! Veriditas faculty member Lars Howlett demonstrates how to draw a Heart of Chartres design with household objects. Learn the basic elements of a medieval pattern through a simple, creative exercise that you can follow at your own pace (pause and rewind at will!) in this half hour webinar. Let your creativity flow and use the finished drawing for meditative finger labyrinth walks, art projects, or practice for a full-size walkable installation! This new and original technique can also be applied to drawing Classical labyrinths and other designs.
(Please note that you can also use a mechanical compass and/or graph paper to create the labyrinth as demonstrated in the second half of the video. The center rosette and lunations are not covered in this basic tutorial, but will be presented in an expanded online course coming later this Spring).
Your Instructor
Lars Howlett is a master labyrinth designer and builder creating exact replicas of Classical or Medieval patterns using sacred geometry and firsthand research from historic sites around the world. He is a Veriditas Faculty member and Certified Advanced Facilitator trained by Lauren Artress at Chartres Cathedral and former apprentice to master builder Robert Ferre. For fifteen years, Lars has created labyrinths as interactive art installations, the practice of mindfulnesss and personal transformation. Lars teaches the popular drawing class and construction workshop at Veriditas Summer School each year. Follow his work at and