Webinar: The Dragonfly and the Labyrinth: BodySoul Rhythms®
A Webinar exploring the overlap between walking the labyrinth as a tool for transformation and the BodySoul Rhythms® program
Lauren Artress and Mary Hamilton present on The Dragonfly and the Labyrinth. The webinar explores the body of work that combines Lauren’s international experience teaching the Labyrinth with Leadership work from BodySoul Rhythms®. Mary brings her extraordinary teaching experience in the BodySoul Rhythms® Program and her new work captured in her book The Dragonfly Principle. How do these distinct bodies of work come together?
Interested in exploring this topic further? Join Lauren Artress and Mary Hamilton for a 5 day retreat in Guelph, Ontario April 10-15, 2016. Click here for more information and to register.
Your Instructor
One of the founding members and international teachers of the BodySoul Rhythms® program. She is a pioneer in dance and theatre education in Canada. In 1973, she implemented the first secondary school dance credit course in Canada and started teaching theatre with Marion Woodman. A graduate of the National Ballet School of Canada, with a B.A. and Med. in Education, Mary is a former professor at the University of Western Ontario where she taught modern dance, improvisation, and choreography between 1976-1996. She is the author of The Dragonfly Principle: An Exploration of the Body’s Function in Unfolding Spirituality, Under the Horse’s Ass: A Love Story Human and Divine, and is one of the authors of Leaving My Father’s House: Journey to Conscious Femininity.