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Facilitator's Renewal Day: Sculpting New Practices
Sculpting New Practices: Facilitator Renewal 2021
Welcome by Dawn Matheny and Opening Ritual by Christine Favreau (11:33)
Session 1: Connecting to Sacred Space Through Design (33:26)
Session 2: The Labyrinth During Transitions: Walking with the Moon (23:30)
Session 3: Creating Inspiring Themes for Labyrinth Walks (35:32)
Session 4: Connecting to Sacred Space Through Landscapes (25:51)
Session 5: Discernment: Sculpting a Compass for Transformation and Guidance (35:35)
Session 6: Becoming a Hollow Bone: Walk + Spirit + Poetry (41:49)
Session 7: Walking Like Trees: Labyrinth Wisdom at a glimpse (52:18)
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Session 5: Discernment: Sculpting a Compass for Transformation and Guidance
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